#31: in retrospect
#30: it's not you
#29: process over outcome
#28: wisdom of nine decades
#27: less perfect
#26: meaningful scale
#25: first step
#24: work that matters
#23: your philosophy
#22: fresh perspectives
#21: learning to learn
#20: follow excitement
#19: start today
#18: two mistakes
#17: do it for you
#16: stay in your comfort zone
#15: as good as you make it
#14: being vs. doing
#13: timeless reads
#12: needing nothing
#11: one percent better
#10: don’t take it personally
#9: it’s all relative
#8: personal deadlines
#7: the real you
#6: only five minutes
#5: comparing is draining
#4: deliberate choices
#3: what do you value most?
#2: how interesting is your circle?
#1: more empathy, less judgement